???? ?? 2002 - 1.02: Added new rule: ImportFromSamePackageRule Updated LooseCouplingRule to check for usage of Vector; thx to Vladimir for the good catch. Updated AvoidDuplicateLiteralsRule to report the line number of the first occurrence of the duplicate String. November 07 2002 - 1.01: Fixed bug 633879: EmptyFinallyBlockRule now handles multiple catch blocks followed by a finally block. Fixed bug 633892: StringToStringRule false positive exposed problem in symbol table usage to declaration code. Fixed bug 617971: Statistical rules no longer produce tons of false positives due to accumulated results. Fixed bug 633209: OnlyOneReturn rule no longer requires the return stmt to be the last statement. Enhanced EmptyCatchBlockRule to flag multiple consecutive empty catch blocks. Renamed AvoidStringLiteralsRule to AvoidDuplicateLiteralsRule. Modified Ant task to truncate file paths to make the HTML output neater. November 04 2002 - 1.0: Added new rules: StringToStringRule, AvoidReassigningParametersRule, UnnecessaryConstructorRule, AvoidStringLiteralsRule Fixed bug 631010: AvoidDeeplyNestedIfStmtsRule works correctly with if..else stmts now Fixed bug 631605: OnlyOneReturn handles line spillover now. Moved AvoidDeeplyNestedIfStmts from the braces ruleset to the design ruleset. Moved several rules from the design ruleset to the codesize ruleset. Added a new "favorites" ruleset. October 04 2002 - 1.0rc3: Added new rules: OnlyOneReturnRule, JumbledIncrementerRule, AvoidDeeplyNestedIfStmtsRule PMD is now built and tested with JUnit 3.8.1 and Ant 1.5. Added support for IntelliJ's IDEAJ. Fixed bug 610018 - StringInstantiationRule now allows for String(byte[], int, int) usage. Fixed bug 610693 - UnusedPrivateInstanceVariable handles parameter shadowing better. Fixed bug 616535 - Command line interface input checking is better now. Fixed bug 616615 - Command line interface allows the text renderer to be used now Fixed a bug - the statistics rules now handle interfaces better. September 12 2002 - 1.0rc2: Added new rules: JUnitSpellingRule, JUnitStaticSuiteRule, StringInstantiationRule Added new rulesets - junit, strings. Added a printToConsole attribute to the Ant task so that you can see the report right there in the Ant output. Fixed bug in PMD GUI - rules are now saved correctly. Fixed bug 597916 - CPD line counts are accurate now. September 09 2002 - 1.0rc1: Added new rules: UnusedImportsRule, EmptySwitchStmtRule, SwitchStmtsShouldHaveDefaultRule, IfStmtsMustUseBracesRule Fixed bug 597813 - Rule properties are now parsed correctly Fixed bug 597905 - UseSingletonRule now resets its state correctly Moved several rules into a new ruleset - braces. Improved CPD by removing import statements and package statements from the token set. Added Metrics API to the Report. Updated PMD GUI. August 16 2002 - 0.9: Added new rules: LongParameterListRule, SimplifyBooleanReturnsRule Enhanced statistics rules to support various ways of triggering rule violations Added rule customization via XML parameters Enhanced CopyAndPasteDetector; added a GUI Fixed bug 592060 - UnusedPrivateInstanceVariable handles explicitly referenced statics correctly Fixed bug 593849 - UnusedPrivateInstanceVariable handles nested classes better July 30 2002 - 0.8: Added new rule: UnusedFormalParameterRule Fixed bug 588083 - ForLoopsNeedBraces rule correctly handles a variety of for statement formats Added prototype of the copy and paste detector July 25 2002 - 0.7: Added new rules: UnusedPrivateMethodRule, WhileLoopsMustUseBracesRule, ForLoopsMustUseBracesRule, LooseCouplingRule Fixed bug 583482 - EmptyCatchBlock and EmptyFinallyBlock no longer report an incorrect line number. July 18 2002 - 0.6: Added new rules: ExcessiveClassLength, ExcessiveMethodLength DuplicateImportsRule now reports the correct line number. Fixed bug 582639 - Rule violations are now reported on the proper line Fixed bug 582509 - Removed unneeded throws clause Fixed bug 583009 - Now rulesets.properties is in the jar file July 15 2002 - 0.5: Added new rules: DontImportJavaLangRule, DuplicateImportsRule Added new ruleset: rulesets/imports.xml Changed sorting of RuleViolations to group Files together. Changed XML Renderer to improved format. Created DVSL Stylesheet for the new format. Moved the Cougaar rules out of the PMD core. Fixed bug 580093 - OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcodeRule reports a more correct line number. Fixed bug 581853 - UnusedLocalVariableRule now handles anonymous inner classes correctly. Fixed bug 580278 - this was a side effect of bug 581853. Fixed bug 580123 - UnusedPrivateInstanceVariable now checks for instance variable usage in inner classes. July 10 2002 - 0.4: Added new rules: OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcodeRule, EmptyTryBlock, EmptyFinallyBlock Reports are now sorted by line number RuleSets can now reference rules in other RuleSets Fixed bug 579718 - made 'ruleset not found' error message clearer. July 03 2002 - 0.3: Added new rules: UseSingletonRule, ShortVariableRule, LongVariableRule, ShortMethodNameRule Moved rules into RuleSets which are defined in XML files in the ruleset directory Ant task: -Added a 'failonerror' attribute -Changed 'rulesettype' to 'rulesetfiles' -Removed 'text' report format; only 'html' and 'xml' are available now June 27 2002 - 0.2: Added new rules: IfElseStmtsMustUseBracesRule, EmptyWhileStmtRule Modified command line interface to accept a rule set Fixed bug in EmptyCatchBlockRule Fixed typo in UnnecessaryConversionTemporaryRule Moved Ant task to the net.sourceforge.pmd.ant package Added new HTML report format June 25 2002 - 0.1: Initial release