???? 2002 - 0.4: Added a JEdit plugin Added a new rule: OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcodeRule Reports are now sorted by line number July 03 2002 - 0.3: Added new rules: UseSingletonRule, ShortVariableRule, LongVariableRule, ShortMethodNameRule Moved rules into RuleSets which are defined in XML files in the ruleset directory Ant task: -Added a 'failonerror' attribute -Changed 'rulesettype' to 'rulesetfiles' -Removed 'text' report format; only 'html' and 'xml' are available now June 27 2002 - 0.2: Added new rules: IfElseStmtsMustUseBracesRule, EmptyWhileStmtRule Modified command line interface to accept a rule set Fixed bug in EmptyCatchBlockRule Fixed typo in UnnecessaryConversionTemporaryRule Moved Ant task to the net.sourceforge.pmd.ant package Added new HTML report format June 25 2002 - 0.1: Initial release