
Documenting APIs with source code examples

APIMiner 2.0 now provides a version for IDEs, including Android Studio and Android Developer Tools (Eclipse ADT). The JavaDoc pages instrumented by APIMiner include source code examples for many methods from the Android API, including examples for methods that are frequently called together.

How to Configure

Android Studio

  1. Click on menu "File -> Project Structure", or use the shortcut "CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + S", to open the configuration window.
  2. Select the tab "Documentation Paths".
  3. Click on "Specify URL" button, indicated by a plus sign and a globe or use the shortcut "ALT + S".
  4. Enter the following URL: http://java.labsoft.dcc.ufmg.br/apimineride/resources/docs/reference/
  5. Click "OK" and done!

Eclipse ADT

  1. Click with the right button on the project and select the option "Properties"
  2. In the left menu, select the option "Java Build Path"
  3. Select the tab "Libraries"
  4. Search for the jar "android.jar" and expand the options by clicking on the symbol "+"
  5. Select "Javadoc location: ..." and click on "Edit..."
  6. Select "Javadoc URL ..." and enter the following URL: http://java.labsoft.dcc.ufmg.br/apimineride/resources/docs/reference/
  7. Click "Ok" and done!