
BugMaps-Granger is currently maintained by the Applied Software Engineering Research Group (ASERG) of the Department of Computer Science, at the Federal Universal of Minas Gerais.

Main contact: Cesar Couto

Bugs contact: Pedro Pires


  • Cesar Couto; Pedro Pires; Marco Tulio Valente; Roberto S. Bigonha; Andre Hora; Nicolas Anquetil. BugMaps-Granger: A Tool for Causality Analysis between Source Code Metrics and Bugs. Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice - Tools Session. 2013.

Related Tools

  • BugMaps (a tool for the visual exploration and analysis of bugs)
  • Churrasco (a framework for collaborative software evolution analysis)
  • BugCrawler (a tool for analyzing the evolution of large software systems)
  • Hatari (a tool for raising risk awareness)